Sunday 7 December 2008

Aidar Sunday 2!

Last time, Aidar Galimov, the multiawarded pop singer of Tatarstan and Bashkiria, sang about his childhood and youth, the beginnings of his career. In this song - Kezge jillar - the subject is melancholy love. Ah, those Tatars.

If that isn't enough, I have to post this video for the song Kun men ay by Berkut. There's footage from a Kazakh film in this video, but I can't remember what its name is. Can anybody help me?

Of course, the subject is (again) love. "You are my sun and my moon" - kun men ay. Those Kazakhs!


  1. Awww, I wish they would show Kazakh films in theaters here.

  2. Have you, Tinet and Ainur, ever heard the voice/performance of TENG-E-ER, from Mongolia (independent country, or Chinese region - I couldn´t find out where he really was born)? I don´t know Eastern artists (anything, properly), but as a pop-star from the Far-East (so famous in Taiwan, Hong Kong etc.), I think he´s pretty good (pop sweet rock isn´t in fact my fave). Cheers

  3. Thanks, Alan! That sounds very interesting. Do you have any link to more information about him? I can't seem to find anything when I google "Teng-e-er" ...
