Wednesday 3 December 2008

Kublai Khan

A Mongolian rock ballad to the memory of emperor Kublai Khan, grandson of Genghis Khan. Would not be complete without a smoke machine, the morin khuur (the horsehead violin) and khöömii (overtone singing). I love Mongolia.


  1. Hello Ladies, Im very intrigued by both of your Finnish backgrounds and interest in Central Asian culture (or is it just the men??Haha). Ainur is a beautiful Turkish name "Devine light of the moon", and Tinet which I am not familiar with the orign of? Does your interest in Central Asian people at all stem from the cross cultural interaction of Central Asian Turks with the Finnish in their initial northern migration patterns as they proceeded down through Europe? Also I have researched and have not been able to discern clearly the difference between original Altaic Turks if any with those of our Mongolian neighbors? Do you have any thoughts or comments that may shed light?

  2. Kerem: I'm sorry I didn't reply to your comment earlier.

    Well, first of all, Ainur and myself are physical results of this "cross cultural interaction of Central Asian Turks with the Finnish", but not in any "initial northern migration patterns", but in the early 20th century. I personally have no idea why I am interested in Central Asia. Part of my roots are Tatar and Romani, and who knows where the Finns really came from originally.

    Tinet is a Tatar name, but it is only used by Finnish Tatars. We don't know what it means. Maybe it is a Tatarization of the Finnish name Tiina, or maybe it is a feminine and diminutive form of a name like Fatin. Or maybe it's from the Turkish word 'tıynet'. I have no clue.

    As for the question about a "clear difference" between Altaic Turks and their Mongolian neighbours - why would there be a clear difference between them, after centuries of living in the same area, intermarriage and cultural exchange? Many nationalist Turks and Mongolians have difficulties accepting that "people sleep with each other across cultural boundaries and don't tell the historians about it" (in the words of Juan Cole, Informed comment). I see flame wars all over YouTube about what musical traditions are Turkic and which are Mongolian, and it makes me very tired.

    Tuguldur: Whaat ...? :o)
