Tuesday 9 December 2008


navychod, originally uploaded by dr.pusca.

Yours truly is featured on the cover (the small picture; not the Kyrgyz lady!) and inside the Prague-based magazine Navýchod, a cultural and political periodical on Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Interviewed by friendly and intrepid journalist Jan Kravcik, I talk about the Chirayliq project as well as the history of Tatars in Finland and my own comics. It is fun to see one's own words in print, especially in Czech translation!

The Navýchod website is worth a visit; including articles about Georgian toasting traditions, Jan's article about Sabantui celebrations in the Czech Republic, and photo reports from Central Asian countries.

By the way, the cover is by the Polish designer Dr. Pusca.


  1. Siis kuinka kivaa!

  2. Hey this is so awesome! I love your blog! I can't believe I just discovered it! xoxox

  3. love your blog!
    what an interesting project...

    if you are still interested in pics of Tibetans, here is a whole batch my friend took a few weeks ago in Rigul - a remote monastery and village in Kham, Tibet, which our Buddhist community is supporting via www.rigul.org

    you will find the pics on this link to flickr

  4. Bruno, we are always interested in pics of Tibetans. :o) Thank you for the tip!
