ARD: Hamit Altintop findet Vorwürfe übertrieben
Altintop hält die Vorwürfe gegen die türkische Mannschaft für übertrieben. Nach dem Relegationsspiel zur Fußball-WM gerieten türkische und schweizer Spieler in einen handgreiflichen Konflikt.
[morgenmagazin; 0'22]
Turkey didn't get an easy start in the Euro 2008 cup - first they upset the Swiss, and now they lose to Portugal. I just want to say that my heart goes out to the Turkish team, who fought valiantly - the Portuguese were just better this time.
In the Turkish team, I especially tried to pay attention to our Chirayliq favourite, Hamit Altıntop. The last time I announced the European football (or soccer, for the Norteamericanos among our readers) championships, I posted a photo of Hamit celebrating a victory with a smooch on the head of teammate Nihat Kahveci. A quick google tour for other cute pictures of the German-born, Bayern München midfielder (yeah, I know that ARD screen cap says FC Schalke 04, he used to play for them recently) revealed an interesting fact: he has a twin brother, Halil, who is 10 minutes younger and plays as a striker at FC Schalke 04.

Jalkapalloo! Ai nyt tiedän miks oot siitä kiinnostunu...
Fruchtzwerge! Mumsi mums!
Nooo ... People were shouting agitatedly every once in a while in the streets last night. All the outdoor cafes had screens with the game on.
I'm sad that Turkey didn't win.
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