The Swiss have left the championship - after losing 1:2 to Turkey. But we can still celebrate the one guy who shot the Swiss goal - Swiss-Turk Hakan Yakın. Like Mr Altıntop in the Turkish team, he just happens to have a brother who is playing football, too. Here's their website: Welcome to Yakin's World!
I feel the urge to get a little Turkish flag and hang it out my window like everyone else!
Today I had to resist the urge to put a Turkish flag attached to a car back on its little pole properly. I didn't want to set off any potential car alarm.
Thank you for putting together this website! I came upon it through google, trying to find pictures of russian jewish/tatar/central asian ethnicities similar to my own. As I'm sure you would guess, all of the nationalities featured are not mentioned anywhere in American public school's history books, and when people ask me "What are you?" I find it hard to explain where exactly my family came from.....
I also appreciate that all the photos are of really attractive guys - nicely done;)
Thank you, Tara! It's great to know that Chirayliq is appreciated all over the world!
I know personally how much it means to discover familiar faces and untold history. The situation is the same in Europe - Russia and Central Asia are "the great unknown"... I hope that we can show that the borders between East and West are quite fluid (and mostly exist in our heads, always defining East & West a little bit differently).
Somehow meetings between East and West tend to produce very good-looking offspring, too :)
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