Right: Zyryanov and Bilyaletdinov, celebrating.
Below: A lovely pile-up of Turks.

Swedish crown princess Victoria meets the crown prince of Dubai, Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum. Spotted in Svensk Damtidning, some May issue.
I think the monarchy should be abolished, but there's one thing Vickan could do to make me a bit more interested in the Swedish royal family. I have no idea why she keeps dating those greasy Swedish gym teacher brats called "Daniel" (they all look alike to me and the king anyway) when she could vamp us a real sheik instead.
ARD: Hamit Altintop findet Vorwürfe übertrieben
Altintop hält die Vorwürfe gegen die türkische Mannschaft für übertrieben. Nach dem Relegationsspiel zur Fußball-WM gerieten türkische und schweizer Spieler in einen handgreiflichen Konflikt.
[morgenmagazin; 0'22]
Mr Vardanashvili is a Georgian photographer. Check out his Flickr photostream for beautiful photos from the Caucasus and around the world. His website is www.paata.ge