Sunday 30 November 2008

Back to school Monday!

Somehow Ainur found the website of the Yozgat Anadolu Technical and Vocational High School. We absolutely must share some photos of the teachers that have been working at this school.

With the school's profile, the largest number of teachers seems to be in Machine Building. Either that, or Machine Building has the most handsome teachers. In any case I saved the most Machine Building teachers on my hard drive:

Hasan Kilavuzoğlu (who taught at the school in 1980-1985)

Hayri Çalişkan (1979-1995)

Orhan Doğandil (1968-1971)

Ahmer Uçan (1967-1968)

Nevzar Birol (1959-1964)

Ainur thinks Mr. Vahap Aydal (1956-1959) looks like a werewolf.

Mr. M.Kemal Kutlu (1950-1952) with his hairdo and moustache reminds me of my high school classmate Wassim, whose father for the first time got me really interested in and shocked at what was happening in Palestine. (Wassim means 'handsome'.)

Vahit Hindioğlu (1948-1949)

Here are Mr. Oğuz Bozdoğan and Mr. Cevdet Ekmekcioğlu who taught Metal Works in 1977-1980 and 1972-1974:

... But I think my favourite subject would have been Maths with Mr. Ziya Yeşilbursa in 1976-1978:

See more teachers from the Yozgat Anadolu Technical and Vocational High School!


  1. Mää tykkään Orhanista!

    Muistatteko Harlamovia koulunpenkillä? Rabota...

  2. You have excellent taste! Keep up the good work.

  3. I like Hasan, his eyes and mouth reming me of a certain Finnish guy I know =)

    They all look so young, almost my age! Wait a minute, I'm a teacher too...
