Sunday 26 October 2008

Mehmet Kurtuluş

The eternal German Krimi-series Tatort has finally broken a barrier: Turkish-German actor Mehmet Kurtuluş plays Cenk Batu, police detective in undercover operations in Hamburg. The first episode is broadcast tonight at 20:15 on NDR. And here's an article at Der erste Türke als Tatort-Kommissar (sensitive readers be warned: the journalists at Stern are not ashamed to use provocative language and make a big deal of the "first token Turk" at Tatort. Spiegel, too, deems it somehow necessary to point out that this is "the end of the döner-cliché". Well, Kurtuluş still plays an integrated Turk going undercover as an unintegrated criminal in order to infiltrate a Turkish "clan", so I don't see how the producers have tried to avoid the clichés...)

Cenk wins the trust of Deniz, nephew of an ambitious greengrocer/clan leader (played by Burak Yigit).
I found these photos on ARD has a nice gallery, too.

Cenk meets a seductive estate agent, played by Nursel Köse.
By the way: "Kurtuluş" means liberation.

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