Thursday 16 October 2008

Faces of Xinjiang!

I was trying to put together a "harvest" themed post, but the only nice pictures I have found so far were of the 2006 "Fragrant pear harvest in Xinjiang", as the very Chinese title at says ...

But then, I came across the Flickr photostream of uninvolved observer, and most particularly his photos from travelling in Xinjiang. As opposed to far too many other male photographers, he doesn't seem to have that much inhibitions against making and even publishing photos of attractive males. Yay!

Click the photos to go to Flickr and see them bigger (and I mean really big) ...

Originally uploaded by uninvolved observer
(There are several more photos of this guy - just click the photos to go see them.)

cute couple
Originally uploaded by uninvolved observer

Originally uploaded by uninvolved observer

Final bonus:

the latest craze: Kazakh yurt porn!
Originally uploaded by uninvolved observer

"the owner of my yurt reclines seductively while we're discussing the price - Hanas Lake (near the Kazakh, Russian, and Mogolian borders) Xinjiang, China"


  1. Oooh.... Just look at this guy's hair and profile. Makes me want to sketch his portrait.

  2. Yeah, his hair is really impressive!

  3. Äh, toi jurtta on niin kutsuva!

  4. Muistatteko jurtan Silkkitienäyttelyssä Göteborgissa kauan sitten? Sen jälkeen olen aina halunnut asua sellaisessa... Paras asunto ikinä.
