Saturday 27 September 2008

"A handsome Circassian student"

Originally uploaded by jeffinmoscow

I found this wonderful photo among Ainur's favourite photos on Flickr. It had to be shared on Chirayliq! Click the photo to see it in closer detail ...

I wonder what definition of "Circassians" this guy belongs to.

Back when I studied in Moscow I also knew some cute guys at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba ... The tuition was more affordable there compared to Moscow State University, but at least I got to live in a Stalinist skyscaper.

Jeff, the photographer, has a blog, too, where you can read about his adventures in Moscow.


  1. I had no idea the "Circassian" was not a proper ethnonym. And I forgot I had this picture saved... Good catch!

  2. Now I saw the funny Wikipedia entry about "Circassian beauties" ... It's really sexist to forget to mention how this actually applies to BOTH genders!!!!!
