Evenk reindeer herder in Kusur, Yakutia.

Sergei, Yakut horse herder. (If you think he looks cute, wait till you see the kind of horses he is herding...)

Misha Moldanov, Khanty of Siberia. The above photo was taken by Scott S. Warren, who has written several articles about everyday life among the Khanty people. For more quality photos see: Report From Siberia: Life In A Khanty Reindeer Camp and Report From Siberia: Making A Living. Moldanov is quite a popular photo model: here's a colour shot at Brian & Cherry Alexander Photography. The latter website has many interesting galleries of various native peoples of the Arctic region, from Inuit and Saami to Nenets, Yakut and Cree. Especially the people's interaction with their dogs is interesting - they are dependent on them for survival and treat them as companions, yet not pets. You can see how many of the dogs enjoy being with their human families, even though their life is hard.
The Yakuts, or Sacha, are the northernmost Turkic people! They brought their horsemanship with them when they went north. The horses obviously adjusted by growing tremendous winter furs.
Also, don't miss Andrei Dulubchin, one of the Evenk people photographed by Bryan and Cherry Alexander.
Here he is out hunting, and here he is warming his nose ...
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