Tuesday 9 October 2007

Ulak-Tartysh part 2!

I don't know if the guys at englishrussia.com read Chirayliq, but they recently also had an entry about the great game of "grabbing the goat", with photos from various games. Here is a small selection (click for original size):

The guy in the purple shirt is my favourite:

There are many more pictures in the original post at englishrussia.com, but - as always with that blog - read the comments at your own risk ...
(Photos #2 and #3 are definitely from Kyrgyzstan, but the rest are only *probably* from the same country, as the sources don't cite their sources, so to speak.)


Anonymous said...

Wau, ja tyypeillä panssarivaununajajien kypärät päässä?

Miks sitä istuu täällä mökissään ja kattelee kuvia, ku sitä vois olla ite kiljumassa tualla aidan reunalla?

Tinet said...

Eiks ne ole semmosia vanhoja nahkasia jääkiekkokypäriä? Panssarivaununajajien kypärät on paksumpia, varsinkin korvien kohdalta.

Niin, mehän voitaisiin joskus lähteä yhdessä Kirgiisiaan ... Apua.